Avoid Non-numeric facts!
June 30, 2009
July 8, 2009

Even though I’m hanging on the bottom of Top 10 users, I still managed to make it to Pro Level today :-)Now I have a nice silver icon to my name (or maybe it’s platinum, since the previous one looked like gold). Now, after giving myself pat on the back – let’s continue.

I still think the point system for the forum is mostly benefiting 2 sides – the forum itself  & novices trying to make it to the market and not taking their due diligence to make simple forum or google search / RTFM. It’s encouraging me and fellow experienced colleagues to answer really rudimentary questions (“what is RPD? my AdminTool doesn’t work – oops I didn’t install it; I need to format my report a certain way – how do I change cell background?”   . There’re several major flaws of the point system on any forum – first, a lot of stupid questions and second, it’s bringing competition spirit and making experienced folks answering those.  Does “Pro” status mean anything? I’m not sure -since there’re probably many experienced consultants out there who’re  just readers or perhaps they don’t want to be bothered with silly questions. I don’t see Jeff actively participating on OTN forums (even though I think he had some postings in the past) – probably for that same reason.

Thank you everyone listed below! Excellent job!  Best of luck to all of you!  I also want to mention David T. and anyone else not listed.

Kishore Guggilla (1775)
Stijn Gabriels (1080)
John Minkjan (990)
Madan Thota (950)
Turribeach (920)
Christian Berg (635)
Naresh Meda (625)
gerardnico (605)
mma1709 (590)
wildmight (505)


  1. kranthi says:

    Hi andriy,

    Firstly congrats on you becoming pro with silver.Thats deserved for those who take time from their work schedule and answering questions let it be silly,medicore or novice questions.

    By answering questions you are brushing your concepts,but your sharing knowledge for lot of guys out there.Really appreciate your patience on answering.Iam prolific answerer in discoverer forum.


  2. Christi@n says:

    Hi Andriy,

    Well congrats! :-)

    I agree with your evaluation of the point system. Venkat and several others I know completely ditched OTN simply because of the “Rise of the Stupid Questions”. I’ve turned on my evil-git-mode recently and really like using ‘http://www.justfuckinggoogleit.com/search.pl?query=…’. Should get the one or the other script kiddy out there thinking.

    Cheers and congrats again!

  3. Hy wildmight,


    I knew you under the name of wildmight before seeing that wildmight and Andriy was the same person. Funny !
    I really belief that when you share (or best teach) your experience you have a lot in return.

    It’s my case, I have learned a lot with this forum and for this, I really want to thank you.


  4. Andriy Yakushyn says:

    Thank you very much for your kind words! Your site is awesome, especially tricks like “CASE WHEN 1=0″ :-) … Best wishes to you!

  5. Andriy Yakushyn says:

    Thank you Christi@n,

    I hope Justin (or whoever is in charge) can turn things around by enforcing a stricter moderation / rules. Problem is – all of you guys share so much knowledge with other consultants (and possibly your future competition) without getting anything material in return (good karma doesn’t count), but a lot of posters don’t event respect your time (you still loose time reading stupid question). I don’t blame those guys for leaving – I’m actually spending very little time myself on OTN these days. Some people even don’t say thank you after you’ve answered their question. I’m sure you’ve saved someone’s job more than once. At least they could give you points. I want to finish on a positive note though – keep up your good work, even when volunteering – you get other intangible things in return, such as OBIEE brain work-out and personal brand name recognition.

    Best of luck to you!

  6. Andriy Yakushyn says:

    Hi Kranthi,

    I appreciate your greetings. I will check Discoverer forum. I’ve been on Siebel Analytics path and not very familiar with the Discoverer tool (except that it has a great feature that OBIEE doesn’t have – in-place drill-down). Keep up good work and I wish you the best.

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