OBIEE blogs

December 3, 2009

Great visualization of which chart to choose.

This image – apparently copyrighted by A. Abela (thank you very much, by the way) – is a great starting point for deciding which chart to […]
November 30, 2009

OBIEE heats up, OBIEE blogging cools down

Thanksgiving holiday, pre-Christmas routine, and a general lethargic state due to the weather. They don’t help us to write more about OBIEE. Also, I have a […]
October 30, 2009

Digest of some OBiEE errors (not necessarily NQSErrors)

A. “Ago function returning wrong results in answer when comparing this year versus last year” This actually happened to me once – and i thought it […]
October 9, 2009

OBIEE learning – never stopping

One thing that’s making the serious IT consulting field less desirable for a lot of people is the constant need for learning new things. Learning by […]