
July 28, 2012

Values In OBIEE 10g Multiselect Prompt Are Not Sorting in Alpha-Numeric Order In Large LOVs

Symptoms When running an Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) Dashboard with multi-select prompts that contain many values, the values in the list are not consistently […]
November 16, 2010

Oracle’s answer to OBIEE’s case sensitivity

Someone asked Oracle’s support  the following question: “Why some of the prompt case sensitive, some of them are case insensitive” You noticed that some prompts are case […]
June 1, 2010

NULL value in multi-select prompt

There is a NULL value in the Multi Select Prompt. When this blank value is selected with other selections from the prompt, the prompt either blanks […]
March 18, 2009

display prompt values in Excel

How can we get the Prompt values to be displayed when the report is exported in MS Office formats or printed in PDF using the ‘Download’ […]